As promised back with something a little more heady, thanks to a change to a different altered state.
Today I am feeling unfulfilled, without a voice and wondering what my contribution to this great big experiment that is the human race will be....
At times my chosen "profession" keeps me going .... Believe it our not this intoxicated intellect spends his days trying to add to our understanding of that mass sponge in a skull, the brain. However, at times the rat race of that particular game leaves me disillusioned. My ideals is to understand how we respond to the obstacles of this world and what occurs "under the hood" went we irrevocably succumb to the overwhelming circumstances. However, the everyday trials often obscure that bright idealistic vision, and my will bends to the burden of doubt, " is this really my way .... Will it achieve my dream ... Will it be the way I make a difference?".
Thus, I am here... Reaching out to share and connect.... I have no guidance, just the conviction to keep moving an, eyes open towards what the the moments may bring.
How about you?
Till next time